Sunday, December 2, 2012


lol and if any of you guys have seen me when I have had caffeine.... you know a I am scary.. so I anyway I am drinking coffee cuz my awesome sis who is visiting from college and she got me coffee.. Sorry about my recent lack of posts... things have been quite chaotic..
9 Random facts//things I need to blog about.
1. adopting two teenagers and one 8 year-old is very hard
2. teenage brothers eat EVERYTHING, like EVERYTHING...seriously.
3. Everyone is starting to adjust a lot better.
4. I failed at NaNoWriMo...why did i think it was a good Idea to start something like NaNo in the middle of an adoption? lol but  even though I didn't finish my story in November, I am not gonna give up..and I might post a few preview of the book soon :)
5. I'm tired
6. We put our christmas tree up last Saturday.
7. Our new family theme song is the How To Train Your Dragon theme because David (4) sings it at the top of his lungs where ever we go. lol
8. I bought a One Direction cup at  Wal-Mart....Rebekah (19) bought 6 lol she is never going to grow up.
9. Congratulations to Laura for winning the photo contest!!! (Again, sorry for taking so long to post)

Now, to make up for all the HAPPY MONDAYS that I haven't posted, here is a preview for tomorrow's HappyMonday:

I think all my friends are scared of my sis Rebekah, but they still think she is awesome..because she is....



Haha! gangsters lol

This staircase looks like an eye!

Rebekah asked me this once..of course she knows the answer...Yes, I am usually acting stupid..especially when I have caffeine.

I hate the feeling when you are so exhausted, you lay down, then suddenly sit up and remember everything you didn't do...:-\

Hoped you enjoyed!  I am so glad to be back, keep up the comments.


  1. Yeah! You're back! Are you really as crazy as you sound? Can you post pictures of the One Direction cup? How many people are in your family now? How far did you get with your NaMoWriMo?

    (All I had was a gingerbread cookie, no caffeine...)


  2. My sister is like that. She terrifies me (and makes fun of my book), but I still love her. She's 20 and likes to sit on me. :-/

