Sunday, August 5, 2012

My Dream Stuff

Heeeeello. I am doin' a randomness post today. I am going to post all of my dream stuff.
My dream car:
My Dream House:


Or . . .

My Dream Piano:

My Dream Garden:

What are some of your dreams?  Post it on your blog and leave the link in a comment.  
Thank you everyone for reading this, I have 45 followers now. You know what that means?  Only 5 more 'til 50!!!!!!!
P.S. I am going to be away from 6:00 this morning until midnight on Friday, so if I don't respond to emails, thats why. I am going to a Challenge  Camp. I will post more about it when I get back.
P.P.S I know I said I would do the 30 day challenge that Kianna is hosting, and I am still going to I just haven't had time to post it yet. so I will catch up on that when I get back.


  1. Looooooove the piano!!!! I wish someday that God would bless me with one like that too!


  2. I love this post!! Gonna do my dream stuff as well. :)
