Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Happy Easter!

Hey everyone!  Hope you're having a great week!  And for those of you who are on spring break, I hope you are having fun.  My family is on spring break next week, because we are going on vacation in West Virginia. Is your family doing anything fun for spring break?  We are going to a mountian resort in the mountains,(ok I guess if its a mountain resort it's obvisouly in the mountains.) It's nothing fancy, but it's really nice for a family vacation, and hopefully it will be a little warmer down there.  Saturday and Sunday it was in the 50s, which is really warm for Ohio, but then on Monday the tempature dropped back down to the 30s BRRRRRR.  I love snow, but I am definitely ready for summer!
Even though it is still really cold up here in Ohio, it did warm up a bit for Easter.  This was our first Easter with the new kids and it went really well.  We went to church, then went home and took family pictures, which takes our family hours because one kid always has their tongue sticking out or their eyes crossed.  And when we thought we had enough pictures, mom looked at the pictures she noticed that the lamp directly behind dad was sticking up behind his head a made it look like he was wearing a crazy hat.  After that we had to take a second round of pictures.  Later in the day, my aunt, uncle, and cousin came over for Easter linner (our Easter meal isn't during the time of lunch or dinner just kinda in between so its linner).  Then we had our traditional egg hunt.  All  the kids go wait in another room while mom and dad hide the Easter eggs, this year since we have so many kids in our family we had a two part egg hunt.  The three little kids, and my little cousin looked for their eggs in the living room, once everyone had found six, the five oldest (except for rebekah who is to cool for to look for her easter eggs) went up to the attic (which doubles as a playroom) to find their eggs.  The rest of the day we played cards, ate dessert, and watched a movie.  Also, some of the kids went out and worked on their forts in the woods, (I was going to go out, but I was still in my dress and didn't feel like changing.)  Speaking of my dress, I just got it from JcPenny's and Love it!   Rebekah@FindingInspiration took a picture of it for me, what do you think?

What did your family do for Easter?  What some of your family traditions?
Have a great week!

XOXO, Laura


  1. I love your dress, it's so bright and cheery! And you styled it really cutely too.

  2. Your dress is lovely! I really like it. =D
